Whispered Secrets: Everburning Candle Collector’s Edition

You're called in to look into an arson that starts at the nearby asylum and takes on a mystical life of its own.

You're called in to investigate after a fire at the nearby asylum takes on a life of its own and you uncover murky and dark activities going on behind the scenes that put the lives of multiple patients in jeopardy. Who are these 'outcasts,' and what brings them here, exactly? Put out the fires on this mystery while you play minigames and solve hidden-object puzzles! Take a look at the additional chapter to learn more about the intriguing backstory. To access a hidden chapter, locate hidden marbles in each location. Take a look at the detailed strategy guide. Concept art, wallpapers, achievements, and more! Develop your abilities through mini-games and replayable HOPs.

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800 MB

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