The Promised Land

Create a prosperous colony in a huge, unexpected wilderness.
Can the New World be tamed?

In The Promised Land, a casual strategy game for the daring at heart, you will find an untamed land of plenty, but the path to glory lies within you! Take control of a small group of settlers and build a thriving colony that rivals the splendor of the Old World! Gather resources, erect buildings, and establish trade as you explore a vast wilderness teeming with surprises! During an epic quest to find the Spring of Eternal Happiness, you will befriend natives, engage in combat with pirates, and enhance your colonists' abilities. In The Promised Land's open world, you can choose how to complete each mission, upgrade, and trade. Regardless of how you choose to play, you will be rewarded with vibrant graphics, extraordinary character animation, and over 24 hours of intensely rewarding gameplay.

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168 MB

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