Following years of conflict, the kingdoms of humans and orcs forged a new agreement with a severe restriction: no one could cross the border. The young human prince is captured after inadvertently wandering into the orc country, and the monarch will not violate the deal. Princess Miriel travels into the enemy land by herself, determined to save her brother, only to discover that she will not be facing orcs. The ancient entity Darksoul's terrifying troops have stormed into the orc homeland, destroying their towns and capturing a large number of people, including Miriel's brother. In order to save the prince, Miriel will have to cooperate with both humans and orcs against a more formidable opponent than she had anticipated. Can the two races ever reconcile, though, or will their long-standing mistrust drive them apart?
- An exciting fantasy tale involving two warring races and a princess who will stop at nothing to save her kidnapped brother. Take in this tale over the course of five chapters, each featuring four enhancements to aid Miriel on her quest.
- Strenuous match-3 riddles to strengthen your abilities. A thrilling musical score for this fantastical story. A diverse group of individuals compelled to cooperate in the face of a shared foe.
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