Magic City Detective – Wrath of the Ocean CE

Save Ribeira, rescue the city – only you can do it with Magic City Detective - Wrath of the Ocean CE

Strong supernatural entities dwell among us! Despite being adored by the public in Rio, Ribeira Lima, the ocean siren, is believed to wield a profound influence on human affairs, a truth perhaps underestimated by many. Her role demands the magical ability to sing, pacifying the ocean with her melodies. However, she has mysteriously vanished, leaving no one to perform the vital Song of the Ocean. With a massive tsunami looming over Rio, poised to devastate everything in its wake, the city's preservation hinges on locating Ribeira – a task only you can accomplish!



  • Elevate your narrative with an extraordinary additional chapter!
  • Immerse yourself in your favorite scenes with a special movie player!
  • Unveil the history through an intriguing array of concept art!
  • Downloadable music player, wallpapers, and more to enhance your experience!
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895 MB

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