Left in the Dark: No One On Board

Contribute to detective Charlotte Austin's investigation into the ghost ship's disappearing crew!

Charlotte Austin, a private investigator, realizes right away that her newest assignment will be unique when she takes it. After receiving an odd letter from the mayor of Port Providence, Charlotte decides to look into the mysterious reappearance of a missing ship that has vanished and then reappeared without crew or cargo. As she works on the case, Charlotte discovers that the rumours in the local press about a supposed curse might be more than just local folklore. Her belief that there is more going on in Portsmouth than meets the eye is strengthened by her encounter with a hooded figure in the ostensibly abandoned shipwreck and other unbelievable events. Detective Austin needs to figure out how the abandoned ship, Devil Island, and the unsolved murder of a local family are related. Will she be able to break the curse that is destroying ships leaving Portsmouth in time to prevent further deaths?





- Unique puzzles with different degrees of difficulty
- Interesting plot
- Stunning artwork

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Download Size
310 MB

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