Gnomes Garden 9 – Life Seeds Collector’s Edition

Save the environment both at home and abroad with the queen's assistance!

The Queen of the Gnomes heard disturbing news from her subjects. All of the gardens, woodlands, and meadows across the region had begun to decay. The court sorceress is certain that all of this is the result of recent events, such as the construction of too many mines and the neglect of magical trees, both of which have harmed the environment. There is, however, a chance to radically change the situation by cultivating unique species of magical plants and disseminating their seeds throughout the country. The gnome gardens will be magical once more! Your dedicated subjects are waiting for you! Visit amazing areas like gnomes land, elf forests, and many more on a delightful new journey with the Queen and her friends!





- A strange magical realm where magic is derived from centuries-old gardens.

- A positive plot, eye-catching artwork, and endearing characters!

- The queen has never had such a diverse range of quests before.

- Over 40 distinct levels. Angry bears, gremlins, and chthonic monsters are among the unusual opponents.

- Four separate environments: the mountain kingdom, the elf forests, the wasteland, and the gnomes' country.

- A merrymaker radio, a horn of plenty, and other useful items are included. - Simple controls and clear directions.

- Over 20 hours of exciting gameplay for people of all ages.

- Soundtracks that are soothing.

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320 MB

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