Chicken Invaders 4

Unexpectedly, they arrived, their ruffled feathers obscuring the light as they squawked menacingly.

Unexpectedly, they arrived, their ruffled feathers obscuring the light as they squawked menacingly. These were extraterrestrial chickens, sent to exact revenge on humans for our mistreatment of their fellow chickens on Earth. I realized right away what needed to be done. I threw down my partially consumed chicken burger and leaped into my cockpit. I activated my lasers to extra crispy with a greasy finger and shot off to stop the bird intruders. However, my biggest journey was still ahead of me. The text reads: Explore extraterrestrial solar systems and repel 120 waves of chicken invaders! Get upgrades to help you in the battle and arm yourself with a variety of weapons. Avert an omelet-flavored apocalypse for Earth!

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23.2 MB

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