Cheshires Wonderland – Dire Adventure Collectors Edition

This time, assist Wonderland's inhabitants in solving their own troubles!

Will Alice be able to come to the rescue again? The sky is filled with thick manufacturing smoke, which robs Wonderland and its inhabitants of their wonder. Mr. Hog's plans to conquer Wonderland are becoming a reality as his clandestine industrial empire grows. We have to ask Alice for help, as is traditional! What do you mean Alice cannot be called? It looks like Wonderland's citizens will have to solve their problems this time. With the help of both old and new pals, The Cheshire Cat is the first to volunteer for this dangerous trip! Before the evergreen meadows become bleak wastelands, explore Wonderland's hidden depths and stop the villain's devastating plans.





-10 extra levels for an additional 60 minutes of gaming!

- Extra miniature games

- An assortment of printable artwork

- Four new accomplishments and bonus quests.

- A comprehensive strategy manual covering 50 levels

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Download Size
514 MB

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