
Take charge of your future in a bleak apocalyptic world!

Take control of your future in a bleak dystopian society ruled by the State. In this frightening new century, privacy is dead, but you still have to make a living. As the manager of a government-run apartment complex, you must keep your residents comfortable and fed while following your bosses' orders, who insist on knowing everything that goes on behind your crumbling walls.

Install surveillance equipment, spy on your renters, and conduct covert searches to find out who your neighbors are and what they're up to. Every decision you make will alter the fate of the game, thanks to branching missions that bend to your decisions. Will you aid a troublesome renter in secret or blackmail them for personal gain? Being a slave to your neighbors will bring the hammer down on you and your family, but becoming an iron-fisted dictator will ruin your reputation and cost you your job. Can you find a happy medium and make it to the end? Beholder will keep you in its grip until you have mastered its many trials, thanks to its wonderfully dark visuals and sophisticated strategic gameplay.

- Exceptional visuals and animation
- Extremely interactive game world
- Quests and storylines that branch out
- Easy point-and-click navigation
- In-depth tutorial

How to Play:
1. Meet your renters' needs
2. Fulfill the State's directives
3. Interact with the characters in the game
4. Strike a balance that will allow you to live.

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545 MB

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