A magical adventure is embarked upon in Avalon, where an epic quest is undertaken to restore harmony. The realm’s balance is threatened as the Avalon Jewels—the source of its magic—are weakened. Once a trusted ally, Morgana now seeks to seize their power, casting darkness over the land. Chosen by the Guardians, you are tasked with restoring the Jewels’ strength and defending Avalon from her sinister forces.
Jewels are matched, mystical puzzles are solved, and cunning foes are confronted while exploring lush forests, ancient temples, and glittering caves. Wise guides are encountered, and hidden secrets are uncovered, bringing Avalon's rich story to life. With 300 captivating levels and dazzling power-ups, players are offered both challenging Puzzle Mode and a calming Relaxed Mode to suit their preferences.
The battle against Morgana’s minions awaits—are you ready to restore light to Avalon? Start your quest today!
- 300 engaging and challenging match-3 levels
- 13 unique foes to defeat in the quest to save Avalon
- Options for Puzzle Mode or Relaxed Mode to match your play style
- Inventive mini-games for added variety
- Stunning visuals that vividly capture the magic of Avalon
Collector's Edition Features
- 100 additional unique match-3 levels with increasing difficulty
- 6 innovative gameplay mechanics for fresh and exciting challenges
- 4 extra foes to battle for even more adventure
- 2 bonus mini-games to further enhance gameplay
- New puzzles and locations to unlock
- An extended storyline with extra scenes to delve deeper into Avalon’s captivating tale
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