1001 Jigsaw – Home Sweet Home

Play 1001 Jigsaw to turn your house into a home!

Prepare to have dazzling sunbeams pouring across your bedding, the pitter-patter of feet on the stairs, toast and porridge cracking... The rustle of the morning paper and the barking of the dog outside... The smell of freshly mowed grass and the cool water in the pool... Dinner with the entire family, a rocking chair by the fireside, and much more to evoke your fondest memories of home sweet home!





- In this brand-new jigsaw puzzle game, you'll find decor, interior design, family, and comfort!

- 500 colorful, high-quality jigsaw puzzles

- Unlimited game time - play at your own pace!

- Game difficulty control is optional

- Tasks and colorful trophies

- Save your progress at any moment!

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215 MB

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