Little Folk of Faery

In Little Folk of Faery, you will come across a tiny community of faerie beings and set out on an enthralling journey to assist the locals in rebuilding their world.

In Little Folk of Faery, you will come across a tiny community of faerie beings and set out on an enthralling journey to assist the locals in rebuilding their world. What lies behind the enigmatic and pervasive mist? What mystery surrounds the wistful spirits who prowl the area these days? Restore the old splendour of your shop by completing multiple tasks and working with the fairy to answer these puzzles. Find and gather hidden runes in the terrain, assist dryads in planting a tree, create a feast to entice vanishing leprechauns, and restore the ruins. You're in for a lot of work in Little Folk of Faery!

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125 MB

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