Tales of Inca – Lost Land

With your Incas, explore a foreign nation and discover forgotten routes via mountains, woods, and deserts.

With your Incas, explore a foreign land and discover forgotten routes via mountains, woods, and deserts! To go closer to their objective, conquer volcanic landscapes, wetlands, and islands. Envision obstacles like dragons, monsters, or highwaymen; ensure your farms have adequate water; and illuminate beacons to guide the Incas. Take good care of your raw materials to ensure that neither wood nor stone is lacking. Master even the most difficult chores with the help of the shamans; add a little magic for flowing waterfalls, blossoming landscapes, or the healing of the sacred tree. Get hours of fun out of Tales of Inca - Lost Land!





  • Numerous enjoyable and thrilling levels
  • Adventure in forests, deserts, waters, swamps, volcanoes, and mountain landscapes
  • Monsters, dragons, and highwaymen
  • Trophies and awards
  • Simple to comprehend
  • Two difficulty levels
Game details
Release Date
Download Size
255 MB

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