First Time in Hawaii CE

The water, the sun, and a wedding that could go wrong?
Assistance for the First Time in Hawaii CE

Greetings to all, this is Kate. It's a very special event that has me and my daughter Nicole in Hawaii: my good friend Stella's wedding! But there's trouble developing, and it's our responsibility to sort things out when the wedding planning goes awry. We'll need to solve difficult riddles and minigames in addition to delving into gorgeous hidden object scenes if we want to give Stella the wedding she deserves. Can you assist us in any way? Help Kate as she works her wedding magic!





- Take in the splendour of our skillfully designed Hidden Object locales
- The collector's edition comes with more than 30 distinct minigames, all of which include entertaining tropical themes. Go as often as you'd like to your favourite Hawaiian spots when in Unlimited Mode!
- Complete the game to unlock achievements! Provided with downloadable wallpapers and the whole soundtrack!



Collector's Edition Features:


- The collector's edition includes six supplementary chapters that follow the main story.

- Assist a person in Hawaii in celebrating their first anniversary of marriage!

- Features six distinct Hidden Object sequences in addition to a few more minigames!

Game details
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1300 MB

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